
Graduating a medical school is tough. It requires a lot of work, time, focus and skills, too. But, if your degree is medical doctor, there are lot of chances how can you enhance your career fast. One of them is Paragona company – international recruiting platform for doctors from every european country. They give you opportunity to start a new job abroad – in Sweden, in France or in Denmark. Paragona offers many interesting vacancies for professionals, like gastroenterology, gastrosurgery, geriatrics, anaesthesiology, neonatology or even nuclear medicine. For more vacancies, you should try to check their website. The best way to learn everything about starting a job as a doctor in one of european countries is to contact Paragona.

Address: Al. Jana Pawła II 29, Atrium Plaza, lobby C, 00-867 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48 22 653 66 80
